Monday, October 31, 2011

怎样炖燕窝?(Do-Re-Me Bird Nest Soup)

炖燕窝的方式其实很简单又方便。我所推荐的是 Do-Re-Me 炖燕窝法。
1)  Do 步骤: 两片金丝燕窝放入一碗清水浸30分钟。 以其同时, 准备干净的电子沙煲 (Slow Cooker)备用.

2)  Re 步骤: 把热水注入电子沙煲后再加入两片金丝洞燕,冰糖适量,红枣适量。开始炖2小时。
3)  Me 步骤: 2小时后,电子沙煲就可关电。金丝洞燕待凉备吃。
Do-Re-Me 炖燕窝法就这么简单。 自己可掌握炖金丝燕的甜度及材料配搭。这样美味又滋润的食品自己怎能错过呢?
使用电子沙煲炖金丝燕即方便又无需看顾。当电子沙煲为自己炖煮金丝燕的同时, 自己又可以做其他事宜。
How to cook Do-Re-Me birds nest soup?
I would like to introduce the Do-Re-Me birds nest soup here.
1)  Do step: DO is the preparation step before cooking the bird nest soup. Taking 2 pieces of Golden Cave Bird Nest soak in the plain water for 30 mins. At the same time, you have to prepare & ready a clean slow cooker.
2)  Re step: RE is the ready to cook step. Add in the boiled water into the slow cooker. Next, add in 2 pieces of golden cave bird nest, some rock sugars & red dates. Then, switch on the slow cooker and cook for 2 hours.
3)  Me step: ME is ready to eat the bird nest soup. After 2 hours, switch off the slow cooker. The bird nest soup is ready to serve after 10 mins.
Do-Re-Me birds nest soup easy to prepare right? I can control the sweet level by adding the rock sugars. Besides, I can add in the ingredient that I love into it.
This is very convenient by using the slow cooker to cook bird nest soup. While I am waiting the bird nest soup to cook and ready to serve, I can do my works without any interruption.

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